
Are there no ends to the tricks you can make words perform?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

l e t ' s r u n w i l d

let's run wild
like the kings and queens
we never were
gone mad
succumbed to the horror
of courtly life
to the point where it's better
to knife the guests of honor
than sit through
another knight of
sober revelry
while everyone else
becomes outlandishly drunk
the better to stand
your presence

let's run away
because what can they do,
it's out of their hands
and I'm in yours,
or pretending I may be,
if you follow the rhythm
of words you've heard
you'd realize that my
disguise is as coltish
and coy as your own

let's run away,
escape the sentries
by playing shadows
blending, bleeding
right into the
landscape - nightmares
instead of people
living dreams to replace wishes
you've no hand in the design

it's just something my mind
came up with,
a long time before you...
an escape plan
I couldn't put into practice
until now -
I needed a crime
fighting criminal partner
to take my side
and the last audition sucked
so bad
I had almost given up
(you know what that's like, right?)
but sometimes people
slip in last minute
and don't look like much
but have the balls
to back up nothing
make it something
like sewing together
imagined cutouts of air
to make a breeze
or a carefully contained
hidden with decorative grins
and bright eyes.

hey - I'm looking for
Blue Eyes
has anyone seen him?

maybe it won't matter in a year or two
(got, but the time between
auditions stretches)
so...are you in line
or hanging off the balcony
waiting for the magic
to get a head start?
no waiting around these parts -
you've got to grab ahold
and strangle all that life
right back into your own

Head down.

put your head down
and tell a story
edged in wonder
backed by tears
make believe
the way children
make love
with words and imagination
and hands
set yourself up to fall--
empty space can catch you
it's not the fall that kills you
it's the realization
harder than packed earth
laced with glass:
if I wake up, this is over
this wasn't meant to last--
you think
but you're not sure, now
you never have been sure, now
so how come you're always making choices
hearing words voice their opinions
star-struck standing on two legs
landing ground canyon
candyland abandoned
tiny todlet trippers say hey, hey
let's play today until you're tired
put your head down
and tell me a story
let's try for a happier end

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Oatmeal Cookies.

Making cookies
in the kitchen
to the soft scream
of the heating oven
and the background ball game
on dad's
These are special:

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


My father told me
it was bad luck
to strike a match
and not set something on fire.
I'm afraid of bad luck -
that's why the school
burned down.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Clouds and Rain.

I want to go running
in the rain.
Just sitting here
hearing the gentle drops
isn't nearly enough excitement.
Watching the blacktop
give way
to every tiny touch -
that's hardly enough,
I want the secrets
hidden in the raindrops
to know who hurt them
badly enough that they're
always kissing.
If the clouds above
are monstrous beings
or just weep for what
they are forced to do.
Wouldn't you wonder, too?
What's above that can't be fixed
and what's below that must be kissed?
Twined and twisting
for a peculiar sensation
I don't have words to catch
I think the rain knows
I suspect something;
droplets kissing ever lighter
on the blacktop
as if aware of the voyeur
peering cautiously out at them
only the boldest
still falling -
as others abandon course
but the clouds above
are still gloomsome
and ratted, frayed on the edges
letting lighter, more frivolous clouds
above look through.
This was written for the first person to claim it.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


I've often wondered
if I know what abuse is like
I'm broken, somehow,
The kind of break that doesn't go away,
even with memory loss
and other internal failures
I have to wonder
what happened
what childhood injury
destroyed my capacity
to feel at ease among equals

Saturday, September 3, 2011


This is a wild guess
about being caught up
in open air
and what it might feel like
to surrender

Friday, September 2, 2011


Take me to where you are
I want to be beside you,
watching you sleep.
To run my fingers though
your hair, across your skin.
To look down on you, from
a vantage point just a little
above your bed.
Maybe to be able to put my
arms around you again
the way we did when we
climbed to the top of the world
Before conspirators and get-down-ists
came after us trying to
destroy the mood.
But still!
Something worth recalling.
I want to be where you are,
and I wish...wish that I

I wish I were with you, now,
not because where you are is
better than my green chair and
white-wood desk, or because
where you are has air
conditioning. I wish I were
with you, but not because
the hum of crickets might
lessen, or the growl of
the sleeping fridge vanish.
I wish I were with you,
not to escape the tension
or the time - 3 am leaves far
too much room for exploration -
but because there's business,
still unfinished.
Not quite touched, yet.

Your words, for example.
How confusing you manage to be,
Happy to see...and aggravated,
all in a breath,
mixing the simple elegance
with complexities.
How happy to aggravate.

I think were a little too far
off, at present
and I want to remedy that -
step up to the plate
and swing - blindfolded -
at a ball I'm not even sure
is there.
Almost no chance to hit -
but almost none is slightly
greater than
not swinging at all.

You've confused me
and intrigued me. I want to
learn what you are, now
not just who. Your dancing
doesn't give more than
brief insight - a glimpse
into the mirror while
trying to see the whole of a
house. Everything is...

I'm afraid to ask if we
can explore this together, but
I find this odd idea in my
mind that I may indeed
need to ask.
Sometime, though.
Not all at once, and not
now. Not yet.

I'm always putting things off that way.
Too soon.
Too quick.
Not yet.
Not. Yet.
Notyetnotyetnotyet -
And then it's gone, vanished
the way glitter does when you kill
the lights.
Out of sight, out of time.

Don't rush away on me.
Well, do you know what I
I think this might have
potential, just because we
don't know, and not
knowing is so much more
All the questions he could
ask, without needing to look
too deep, too much.
Too anything.

But I'm afraid, too.
Afraid that - despite
words - I'm not welcome. Not
yet. (Sound familiar? Notyetnotyet
notyet - how about now?)

What I remember best is
falling onto the stage by
mistake and whispered encouragement,
telling me to go do my thing.
And telling myself I
damn well would.
Walking up to you directly,
and wishing I had a
tie, not just a hat...
But Dan's hat looked
aight on you.
Good enough to be
mistaken, anyway.
And then...dancing.
To hoots, hollars and
grand laughter.
That's my real recall.
Our duet, on the other
hand escapes me,
mostly. The fumbles come
to mind - not quite sure
where one is supposed to
bleed into another.
But therein arises another

I want your hands.
I long for touch and
taste. To be understood in
the flesh, not just mind.
I want the weight of experience
to come crashing in, while
the fervor of youth
I want you to know
(though actually, I don't)
that I imagine what you might
feel like, above me. Touching me.
Since in the dance style you
favor, touching is outlawed,
anathema. A slip-up, fumble.
A problem.
You're supposed to read their
bodies, not control and guide. You
react and respond... Not create
by sheer force.
But still, I'd like to dance
dirty, one time. Just to see
where your hands go -
to my hips, or up. To my
stomach, or below.
Or if you'd hold my hands
and kiss my neck, tongue
tasting sweat-salted skin.

Images too strong and
powerful, sometimes.
I don't want an image to
have such power over me. My
mind knows and bleeds out
my part in events I'd like to
forget... Replaces time
with whatever else could be
constructed out of paper
and cooking oil.

Not making sense, now, but
thats easier to do as four am
wears on. Passing the minutes by with recollections -
almost all faulty - and
hopes - fantasies - for a future.

They told me once that
only a madman makes
his letters different
ways each time.
I look at them and wonder
because every letter is
I think I might be
mad. Oh, wonderful day.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Guilt

I want my life
to be shimmer -
not glitter and good memories
but the shine
everyone's determined to see
what's the point of knowing to say you were
right - life sucks?
why not take the present
at face value
and value the faces
that smile your way -
smile first to provoke
a grin.
I dunno why...
I just don't want to know,
maybe some people hate
the willfully ignorant -
but I can't bring myself to
face the fear, some days.
I can't always be brave.
Sometimes I need that
security blanket of ignorance -
of Not Knowing.
I want to be safe -
if you don't hear about
the monsters
why suspect them in
the closet?
completely isolated...where
nothing could touch me
not a vacuum in reality,
just in realization.
a perfect isolation to self.
lonely... but self.
that's my guilt.