
Are there no ends to the tricks you can make words perform?

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Craig's List

Who I Am:

I'm too good to be true.
I'm off the wall crazy, and proud to stand by it.
I'm seeking love with no strings attached, and sex that will have you crawling back to me for more.
I'm a slacker, with no real motivation in life, and although I'm a student, I don't get straight As.
Or even straight Bs.
I'm off the wall fantastic.
My caring side is limited to whatever is for dinner.
If I like you, you'll know it. If I don't, you won't.
I like to lie, but I tell the truth when it suits me.
I'm an engaging conversationalist, but if you aren't you might end up dead.
I'm a writer.
Trustworthiness and loyalty are for pussies.
I used to be in the mafia. Now I own them all.
I'm also engaged to my ex-boyfriend's future transgendered self.
We're supposed to get married in August.

Who I'm Looking For:

I want a man who is 6'2" and under 170 lbs.
I want a man who likes weed, and binges drinks every night of the week.
But he can't end up drunk.
I want a man who has fucked more than 30 people - a minimum of two should be male.
I want a man with self-esteem issues, who thinks he's destined for hell.
I want a man who can't dance for crap.
I want a man with dark eyes, dark hair and perfect teeth.
I want a man who used to smoke, but quit when he found out he was addicted.
I want a writer.

How to Contact Me:
To separate the spam from the desperate from the gullible, put your name, age, address, social security and credit card number in the subject line of your email.
I'll get back to you ASAP.


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