Rain clung to the window pane.
Dasti watched Eloro. She stared out, through the drops clinging to the glass. She seemed to be looking beyond the mere existence of space. Eloro closed her eyes.
Dasti looked away. She looked vulnerable with her eyes shut. A gossamer shawl lay over her shoulders. Her skin appeared bleached against the cotton. She looked old. Eloro looked old. Dasti could not look at her. Youth characterized the Eloro he knew.
"Dasti." Eloro's voice called Dasti's attention.
"It's almost time."
Everything happened at once.
Thunder crashed though no storm owned the skies. The door opened. Eloro stood. The teacup fell. Tea soaked Eloro's skirt. The window shuddered. Boots assaulted the stairs. Lightning flashed. The door opened.
Dasti shook his head and faced the window.
Heavy voices hailed.
Eloro's surprised gasp cut off.
Dasti did not turn, did not speak. He listened. He had only to listen. Eventually Eloro's soft breathing returned. Eventually so did his own. The boots faded away. The air lightened. The thunder rumbled, but did not crash. Apologies fell on the windows, as drops of rain.
From the shut window, the sounds of gunfire echoed.
They were shooting people down at the church. Again.
"Dasti." Eloro's voice was pitched higher than usual. "Can you close the window?"
Dasti put his hand out and touched the glass. The window was already closed. There was no use telling Eloro that. He turned. She was sitting in her chair, cradling an empty teacup to her chest, staring out into space.
"They're shooting people," she murmured.
Dasti nodded.
Eloro sighed. "Again."

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