"Yeah, Taz?"
"You love me, right?"
"And you'll never, never leave me?"
"Of course not."
"Good." Totaz laced his fingers together behind Saxiel's neck. "I like having you around."
Saxiel didn't bother trying to hide his smile. "I wouldn't leave you," he said. Then softer, into Totaz's shoulder, Saxiel added, "I couldn't."
Totaz clung to Saxiel for a while, then he grew restless. "Can we go somewhere fun?" he asked. "Fun, fun?"
"Where is fun?" Saxiel asked.
"Anywhere!" Totaz announced proudly.
Saxiel put two fingers to Totaz's lips, a silent gesture asking for quiet. Obedient, Totaz closed his lips. Saxiel paused a little too long. Totaz's errant tongue slipped between closed lips to wet the tip of Saxiel's finger.
"Taz!" Saxiel scolded. He wasn't mad. Totaz knew it. He knew it. They both knew. But for the sake of the old woman and her walker crossing the street, the vendor leaning against his hotdog stand, the children and parents on a passing tour bus, the homeless curled up in plastic bags, the customers shopping in windows, or those just window shopping the scolding tone was for them.
The chaste, brotherly kiss to Totaz's forehead was for them.
"Yeah, Taz?"
"You love me, right?"
Saxiel had the words to answer. For the sake of the baby in its mother's arms, the father holding his daughter, the school teacher conducting students, he only nodded.
"I love you, y'know."
Saxiel swallowed. "Yeah," he said. "I know, Taz. I know."
Totaz smiled and his fingers laced in Saxiel's hair once more, twined in the dark locks.
Saxiel began to walk down the street, still holding Totaz against him. Limp legs swung against him with every step they took. Saxiel picked up the pace until the swinging legs echoed the rhythms of his breathing. In and out. In and out and in. And out.
The traffic made it hard to hear Totaz' voice.
Totaz's lips moved with a request.
A truck passed.
The exhaust swallowed the question.
Saxiel pulled Totaz closer.
"I love you," he said.
Totaz said nothing back.
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