
Are there no ends to the tricks you can make words perform?

Thursday, November 24, 2011

I AM the effervescence
split psycho down two walls to a center we're not sure exists yet
mid-mind, mid-merizing, mid-memory and fascination feature
look in sidewalks
sidewinders steps
in the glass window panes down on 4th and Broadway and you'll see me
sitting just out of reach
ahead while behind
Alice in Wonderful Paradox

When I walk in a room I'm asleep on the floor
sprawled - until I hear my name

When I walk into a room
I see myself, passed out and I call my name, softly
the way you do when you don't actually want the person to wake up
softly as a bee, buzzing in a meadow a few streets over
or soft like cannon shots, frozen in time as Black and White stills
Sometimes we recall our pasts more strongly than we love our presents.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Nanowrimo 2011

I have no idea what to call this piece, this time, but it's a Greek legend fast-forwarded in time. Looks something like this, synopsis-wise:

The Cast
Ekaris/Icarus - the mental patient
Detlas/Daedalus - his father
Mynus/Minos - the bajillionaire
Pasify/Pasiphae - his wife, who has a problem with animals
Toran/Minotaur - their child


From Mynus to Detlas,
I have heard of you. I have heard a great deal about you, as a matter of fact, and because I have heard what I have heard about you, I wish to have you visit my Isle of Kreet and help me on a certain matter I have had issue with. The matter is of course, highly sensitive, or I would share it with you here. As it is, rest assured I have ascertained that you, Detlas, are the only one who will be able to help me with this particular problem. I have heard enough to know this is true.

Word count: 1978

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I want to write.

I'm going to write a tragedy of self interest,
founded on the principle that no man is equal to another.

I'm gong to plan a vortex in space
wherein anger management constitutes government.

I'm going to recreate the Big Ban theory to prove it's impossible,
and then do it backwards to wipe out the memory.

I'm going to make the stars shine the way they never have before this -
so bright they blind your hearts to searching souls.

I'm going to tear you apart and arrange the pieces alphabetically
because geometric shapes are no longer my favorite category.

I am going to end you with brilliance and anger
combined in a dazzling world of men.

I am going to enhance your senses
until you can't recall anything beyond the moment that hasn't happened quite yet.

I'm going to decode, reprogram and reinvent this section of the universe
because it's mine for the taking and making and I've been waiting so long
for them to notice.

I want to write.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Remind me to ask you,
if it feels the same every time
or if each moment
each new person
has their own flavor
and if so
should I stop
trying to remember
and just try
to be.

Friday, October 7, 2011


Messed up
dressed up
angry kid lets up
lets down underground
empty randos going ’round
spray cans
drinking kids late and
sag marks, tagged parts
bungled these works of art
stressed out
lets out
getting them threats out
of the way, underpaid
working men getting laid.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

l e t ' s r u n w i l d

let's run wild
like the kings and queens
we never were
gone mad
succumbed to the horror
of courtly life
to the point where it's better
to knife the guests of honor
than sit through
another knight of
sober revelry
while everyone else
becomes outlandishly drunk
the better to stand
your presence

let's run away
because what can they do,
it's out of their hands
and I'm in yours,
or pretending I may be,
if you follow the rhythm
of words you've heard
you'd realize that my
disguise is as coltish
and coy as your own

let's run away,
escape the sentries
by playing shadows
blending, bleeding
right into the
landscape - nightmares
instead of people
living dreams to replace wishes
you've no hand in the design

it's just something my mind
came up with,
a long time before you...
an escape plan
I couldn't put into practice
until now -
I needed a crime
fighting criminal partner
to take my side
and the last audition sucked
so bad
I had almost given up
(you know what that's like, right?)
but sometimes people
slip in last minute
and don't look like much
but have the balls
to back up nothing
make it something
like sewing together
imagined cutouts of air
to make a breeze
or a carefully contained
hidden with decorative grins
and bright eyes.

hey - I'm looking for
Blue Eyes
has anyone seen him?

maybe it won't matter in a year or two
(got, but the time between
auditions stretches)
so...are you in line
or hanging off the balcony
waiting for the magic
to get a head start?
no waiting around these parts -
you've got to grab ahold
and strangle all that life
right back into your own

Head down.

put your head down
and tell a story
edged in wonder
backed by tears
make believe
the way children
make love
with words and imagination
and hands
set yourself up to fall--
empty space can catch you
it's not the fall that kills you
it's the realization
harder than packed earth
laced with glass:
if I wake up, this is over
this wasn't meant to last--
you think
but you're not sure, now
you never have been sure, now
so how come you're always making choices
hearing words voice their opinions
star-struck standing on two legs
landing ground canyon
candyland abandoned
tiny todlet trippers say hey, hey
let's play today until you're tired
put your head down
and tell me a story
let's try for a happier end

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Oatmeal Cookies.

Making cookies
in the kitchen
to the soft scream
of the heating oven
and the background ball game
on dad's
These are special:

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


My father told me
it was bad luck
to strike a match
and not set something on fire.
I'm afraid of bad luck -
that's why the school
burned down.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Clouds and Rain.

I want to go running
in the rain.
Just sitting here
hearing the gentle drops
isn't nearly enough excitement.
Watching the blacktop
give way
to every tiny touch -
that's hardly enough,
I want the secrets
hidden in the raindrops
to know who hurt them
badly enough that they're
always kissing.
If the clouds above
are monstrous beings
or just weep for what
they are forced to do.
Wouldn't you wonder, too?
What's above that can't be fixed
and what's below that must be kissed?
Twined and twisting
for a peculiar sensation
I don't have words to catch
I think the rain knows
I suspect something;
droplets kissing ever lighter
on the blacktop
as if aware of the voyeur
peering cautiously out at them
only the boldest
still falling -
as others abandon course
but the clouds above
are still gloomsome
and ratted, frayed on the edges
letting lighter, more frivolous clouds
above look through.
This was written for the first person to claim it.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


I've often wondered
if I know what abuse is like
I'm broken, somehow,
The kind of break that doesn't go away,
even with memory loss
and other internal failures
I have to wonder
what happened
what childhood injury
destroyed my capacity
to feel at ease among equals

Saturday, September 3, 2011


This is a wild guess
about being caught up
in open air
and what it might feel like
to surrender

Friday, September 2, 2011


Take me to where you are
I want to be beside you,
watching you sleep.
To run my fingers though
your hair, across your skin.
To look down on you, from
a vantage point just a little
above your bed.
Maybe to be able to put my
arms around you again
the way we did when we
climbed to the top of the world
Before conspirators and get-down-ists
came after us trying to
destroy the mood.
But still!
Something worth recalling.
I want to be where you are,
and I wish...wish that I

I wish I were with you, now,
not because where you are is
better than my green chair and
white-wood desk, or because
where you are has air
conditioning. I wish I were
with you, but not because
the hum of crickets might
lessen, or the growl of
the sleeping fridge vanish.
I wish I were with you,
not to escape the tension
or the time - 3 am leaves far
too much room for exploration -
but because there's business,
still unfinished.
Not quite touched, yet.

Your words, for example.
How confusing you manage to be,
Happy to see...and aggravated,
all in a breath,
mixing the simple elegance
with complexities.
How happy to aggravate.

I think were a little too far
off, at present
and I want to remedy that -
step up to the plate
and swing - blindfolded -
at a ball I'm not even sure
is there.
Almost no chance to hit -
but almost none is slightly
greater than
not swinging at all.

You've confused me
and intrigued me. I want to
learn what you are, now
not just who. Your dancing
doesn't give more than
brief insight - a glimpse
into the mirror while
trying to see the whole of a
house. Everything is...

I'm afraid to ask if we
can explore this together, but
I find this odd idea in my
mind that I may indeed
need to ask.
Sometime, though.
Not all at once, and not
now. Not yet.

I'm always putting things off that way.
Too soon.
Too quick.
Not yet.
Not. Yet.
Notyetnotyetnotyet -
And then it's gone, vanished
the way glitter does when you kill
the lights.
Out of sight, out of time.

Don't rush away on me.
Well, do you know what I
I think this might have
potential, just because we
don't know, and not
knowing is so much more
All the questions he could
ask, without needing to look
too deep, too much.
Too anything.

But I'm afraid, too.
Afraid that - despite
words - I'm not welcome. Not
yet. (Sound familiar? Notyetnotyet
notyet - how about now?)

What I remember best is
falling onto the stage by
mistake and whispered encouragement,
telling me to go do my thing.
And telling myself I
damn well would.
Walking up to you directly,
and wishing I had a
tie, not just a hat...
But Dan's hat looked
aight on you.
Good enough to be
mistaken, anyway.
And then...dancing.
To hoots, hollars and
grand laughter.
That's my real recall.
Our duet, on the other
hand escapes me,
mostly. The fumbles come
to mind - not quite sure
where one is supposed to
bleed into another.
But therein arises another

I want your hands.
I long for touch and
taste. To be understood in
the flesh, not just mind.
I want the weight of experience
to come crashing in, while
the fervor of youth
I want you to know
(though actually, I don't)
that I imagine what you might
feel like, above me. Touching me.
Since in the dance style you
favor, touching is outlawed,
anathema. A slip-up, fumble.
A problem.
You're supposed to read their
bodies, not control and guide. You
react and respond... Not create
by sheer force.
But still, I'd like to dance
dirty, one time. Just to see
where your hands go -
to my hips, or up. To my
stomach, or below.
Or if you'd hold my hands
and kiss my neck, tongue
tasting sweat-salted skin.

Images too strong and
powerful, sometimes.
I don't want an image to
have such power over me. My
mind knows and bleeds out
my part in events I'd like to
forget... Replaces time
with whatever else could be
constructed out of paper
and cooking oil.

Not making sense, now, but
thats easier to do as four am
wears on. Passing the minutes by with recollections -
almost all faulty - and
hopes - fantasies - for a future.

They told me once that
only a madman makes
his letters different
ways each time.
I look at them and wonder
because every letter is
I think I might be
mad. Oh, wonderful day.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Guilt

I want my life
to be shimmer -
not glitter and good memories
but the shine
everyone's determined to see
what's the point of knowing to say you were
right - life sucks?
why not take the present
at face value
and value the faces
that smile your way -
smile first to provoke
a grin.
I dunno why...
I just don't want to know,
maybe some people hate
the willfully ignorant -
but I can't bring myself to
face the fear, some days.
I can't always be brave.
Sometimes I need that
security blanket of ignorance -
of Not Knowing.
I want to be safe -
if you don't hear about
the monsters
why suspect them in
the closet?
completely isolated...where
nothing could touch me
not a vacuum in reality,
just in realization.
a perfect isolation to self.
lonely... but self.
that's my guilt.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Storm Warning

draw something like a warning
on the sunrise
in the morning
washed up
the way waves do
on the shores of the mind
carrying shards of memory
like shells
and sharks' teeth
long since given up

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


You're a South Carolina soul
and I'd forgotten
until just now
I hope you don't mind
or take issue
as I unwind
my memories of you
trying them out
in the beach weather
to see if they sing stronger
than under a
northward sun

Monday, August 29, 2011

Next of Kin

are you my
next of kin?
I'm hawking your
on a market
that can actually
afford it
or so they think
let's drink to possibility
old lies and tea
drawn out and dried
pool side highs
that leave you lower
than you can go
on your own
even when your zone
something shows you
which way to go
what flows out
from in
what's gold, what's silver
and what's too thin
to rely on
no steel, concrete
no reason for the
nor lesson in the sadness
nothing beyond
fine walls
bathroom stalls
and stagnant air
were you there when
breathing ceased
when these
became those
and a person knows -
it's all in the game
if names mean anything anymore
who you know, not what
but rebounds
and ghost towns
are all around greatness
emptied less
than they were before.
truth tells and you're
still in that
fine-drenched hell
I put you in
when we first began
to wander off course
no return tonight
is in sight -
just long lines
going nowhere
short tempers breaking
emptied, somewhere,
out there -
sullen, angered air.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


there's a curious
of time
and place
lost in space
hardly anyone sits
in the family section

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Two-bit Romance

This is a romance
in two parts
it starts with tears
and finishes with sunshine,
small waves and promises
that probably won't be kept
but when they're made
that won't matter;
romance is atmosphere
not action.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I will pretend
you never asked
so I can't be
when nothing comes of it
but for a short time
let me tell you -
it was the sort of question
that I needed
to turn my chrysalis
into a butterfly

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


The next time we run it'll be on a beach
under hard sunlight
where water flows freely
and people wake early--
possibly too early
for when they sleep.
And there will be the silence
of an early dawn--
built of wind whispers
and wave songs,
speckled with foot falls
and heartbeats under
heavy breathing of light air.

When we run again,
it will be under the sun.

Monday, August 22, 2011

A story to tell...

I've got a stroy to tell,
and I know I've said it before
claimed magic in these words
but this time in truth
I've got a story to tell.

I've got a story to tell,
true enough and you'll see
it's not pure imaginings this time
there's something to it, now.
I've got a story to tell.

I've got a story to tell
but you probably won't believe me anyway,
and if you do it's a game, or pretend
but that doesn't matter now because
I've got a story to tell.

I've got a story to tell
about a slight man and the spirit of chaos
drenched in a foggy day of rain
with promises to make it happen.
I've got a story to tell.

There's something of light in delayed darkness
something of faith in blind sight
a sampling of insanity in the sanest voice -
and words that have forgotten
just how to tell the truth.

Friday, August 19, 2011


Do we rerite these moments
as finales -
memoirs composed
solely of farewell
each meeting
a prelude to an ending
every hello
the advance warning
of goodbye.
If I could craft a life
based on what could be,
not what is,
I'd take away the finish line
tangle the strings
until no one could separate
or leave
twisted together
the way life and lives
should be.
A locking puzzle
with no solution
the freedom pieces
welded together at first meeting.
I'd collect all the helicopters
from one maple tree
and let them grow up together
so close
branches entwine
and trunks crush together
twisting upwards as one unit
to a brilliant sun
while below the earth
their roots hold hands.
If I could rewrite the laws
of this cosmos
I'd let the good memories
never die
and keep the bad ones
from taking root
I'd cross out all the
disappointing moments
cancel reality checks
and throw out the towel
so no one could throw it in.
I'd make more time
for the seconds that count
and decrease the wait
between one moment
and the next.
There would be overtime compensation
for waiting on someone good.
No budget for your happiness,
or his
or hers
or theirs -
and especially not ours.
Everything's in,
anything goes -
the sort of deal
shop-aholics orgasm over.
But with life
not clothing
and unnecessary furniture.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Word of the Day - Root

And the root cause of the problem was to be determined at a later date.
Which of course meant that the committee never actually reconvenied to decide.
So I got off Scott-Free.
Which is to say, I left Scott behind to take the blame, in case they ever really did look for who was responsible for setting the tarmac of the Lakeside Parking Lot on fire at three twenty-six in the morning on a Wednesday.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

THoZ - 3

Just to get her to relax again, and laugh, that carefree way she'd been before they ended up outside, walking back from the dimly lit bar with smoke in the air and lights that danced above drunken men and women, conversing in tongues and with tongues, swapping secrets directly into one another's mouths.

Total: 15354

Word of the Day - Muse

Your name is a nickname for a name that means "memory" in the old language, where my name means that I'm not supposed to fall over my own feet. Your name is a name that makes me wonder, because there was a time, not so long ago - if a year isn't long - when someone like you, some memory, like you, was my muse.
And there were two of them, then - a dark and a light side to chaos, singing words to me that only I could hear...and they're silent now, though I wonder if the light sent you to free me from the dark.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The House of Zodiac

"S-s-sorry," Leo said.

Virgo broke down crying.

Taurus looked deeply uncomfortable.

"S-sorry," Leo said again. Less of a st-stutter, but still there.

"You killed her! You're why she's dead!" Virgo screamed. Then she ran.

Taurus watched her go, then looked over to Leo. "I hope that's just an emotional accusation," he said. "Because if it's not…"

Total: 10255

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

AugoWrimo 2011: The House of Zodiac

The girl was short, and dressed like a doll, in a mini sundress that was far too blue, like one of those powder blue dressed one might see in a magazine. Something that should not have been possible. And it was, anyway.

She was smiling and laughing and running around the merry go round, all alone. But she spoke to the open air anyway, as though there were other children there with her. And when she stood on the bench she spoke down as though there were an invisible woman sitting there – a mother of some sort.

Total: 5020

Word of the Day - Amuse

You amuse me.
The way you smile, and the stories you tell.
You make life interesting.
I just wish it would last longer, y'know?
I'm leaving on Sunday - and I still haven't gotten your reaction to that. I wish I had the guts to tell you face to face....
But while I can scale a building, run from the cops, eat spicy food and laugh while doing it... I can't seem to face not seeing you, again.

iTunes Meme: Behind The Hazel Eyes

RULES: 1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.

The Call


100 Years

Jealous Enemies

White Christmas

The Ugly Bug Ball


The Rocky Road to Dublin

I Sho Do

10. WHAT IS 2 + 2?
Deck the Halls with Boughs of Holly

Take That Look Off Your Face

Liv Tonight

Out On The Weekend

Night Ride Across the Caucasus


Welcome to Rainbow

You'll Be in My Heart

Mo Ghile Mear

Tennessee Waltz


The Needle and the Damage Done


Behind These Hazel Eyes

Monday, August 1, 2011

Word of the Day - Band

She had a band around her wrist. I saw it, just briefly, just long enough to know that it was her - long enough to see the red fabric, long enough to catch her smile, flittering about on her lips, the way it used to.
And then she was gone, eaten whole by the shops, and the people, and the smoke and fog of the city... I wanted to catch her, to rescue her, but sometimes...
Sometimes such rescues aren't warranted.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

What is Weakness?


(The stage is set up to resemble a bar. There is a table on stage, sideways to the audience. Under the table is a row of glasses. GWEN is a middle-aged woman with a fierce demeanor and exacting movements. She stands behind the table, holding a rag, cleaning a glass and humming to herself. The door opens. DURZO is a young-looking man with an air of casual hostility, dressed in black. He enters, slams the door shut and stalks forward to take a seat opposite GWEN. She gives him a dark look.)

Give me a drink.

(GWEN frowns, and slowly does so.)


(DURZO downs the drink and slams the glass down, glaring at the table.)

What's wrong this time?


(DURZO motions for another drink, seeming agitated. GWEN fills another glass and sets it down.)

What about him?

(drinks and slams it down again)
Doll Girl.
(pauses and regards the empty glass)
I see him looking at her. I think he's falling in love. That can't happen.
(to himself)
It'd ruin everything.

He's a boy.

He's a killer. I trained him myself.

(DURZO pauses, holding the glass before pushing it forward with a growl. GWEN picks up the emptied glass.)

You seemed to have managed all right.
You managed to give my sister a child.

There's a difference between fucking and love.

(refills glass and sets it on the table)
I doubt Vondra saw it that way.

(downs the glass)
Vondra was the bitch that didn't know when she wasn't wanted.

(DURZO sighs and puts his face in his hands for a moment. Then he lurches to his feet and grabs the glass he was drinking from and flings it across the room.)

Damn him!
Damn him.

(GWEN fills a new glass and holds it, cradling it against herself for a moment, while watching DURZO. For a brief time he is unaware of being watched, then DURZO looks up and sees GWEN looking at him. He reaches for the glass she is holding.)

Give it to me.

(pulls back)
You've gone through three already.

Three or three hundred –

You're a drunkard. You understand that, right?

A drunkard isn't sober after leaving a bar!

But a drunkard does drink night after night in the hopes of getting drunk.

(DURZO stares at GWEN for a long time, not quite reacting to what she has just said. His hands migrate to the table and curl into fists. He looks away. GWEN sets the filled glass down.)

(slightly bitter, slightly wistful)
What's the problem with love, anyway?

Murderers don't worship the goddess of love. We worship the god of potent liquids.
(raises glass in a mocking toast and takes a sip with each pronouncement)
Blood. Semen. Wine.
(pauses, looking into the glass and laughs)
He's a lie, like they all are, but at least he isn't a weakness. Not like Doll Girl.

(shakes her head)
You're obsessed.

And if I am? Give me another.

(fills another glass and sets it down)
You can't expect –

I'll expect what I damn well want to!

Durzo –

(frenzied anger)
He knows the price of failure!

(GWEN stares at DURZO, then turns her back on him to fill another glass. There is an extended silence between the two of them. DURZO sits completely still, his face unreadable. GWEN sighs as she turns around with the filled glass and sets it on the edge of the table, watching DURZO.)

He's just a boy, Durzo.

Just a boy?


(reaches for glass and fiddles with it)
(looks down)
Yes. He is just a boy.
(extended silence)
Gwen. Help me.

(puts down another glass)
Help yourself.

(GWEN exits silently. DURZO picks up the glass as though mesmerized, and stares after GWEN for a moment. Then DURZO stands and throws the glass after her.)

You stupid bitch!
(long silence)
(pauses uncertainly, then plaintively calls)


(Here's my disclaimer: Durzo, Gwen, Kylar and the Night Angel series does not belong to me... That's the property of one Brent Weeks. (And if you haven't read it, you damn well should.))

Saturday, July 30, 2011


It's been two years already. We were perfect, once upon a time. I promised, once upon a time.
But that was a long time ago. It feels longer than it has been. We met across time, across space. I was stuck here, and there and places blurred together and then fell apart. There's nothing in this life to replicate the artistry of being one whole individual, locked in a clock. It starts ticking backwards, and the lock is missing from the tower's door while the wolves are still howling, out on the moor.
Or maybe I've been dreaming. I used to dream. The songs flowed through my mind, and they got caught, laughing at me as I sought out words that would make sense to use. I've been hard pressed to choose which way I'm going to turn in the end. On the mend, I'll send you a postcard, I swear. I wish you were here, but of course…
You are sitting somewhere far away, staring at the desk, cords wrapped around your wrists, smiling. It's tape? Or something else? You will be there, sitting, eyes closed, that grin – maniacal – plastered across your face, and you'll begin laughing, just laughing, so softly at first, until the silence of sound extends. Then maybe you'll stop, and see something else. Singing. The rhythm of drums, mirrored in your mind. It's all a dream, isn't it? Or have we been playing songs of silence in the sadness, mixed with madness – was this gladness that brought the beginnings… It's not time to be awake. We're dead on our feet.
I'm sorry. I've been sorry, and I meant to apologize, but I couldn't quite get myself to say the special words. I died, a little inside when this first began, but those were supposedly tears of joy that brought us together. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I've been trying, trying –
This exhaustion of being, of mind, of seeing. Believing.
I’m done believing.
If I was sorry once, I'm sorry now again, and question motives. It's time. It's been two years, but now it's been three, and sitting here, shitting on a field of victory that was lost… It's been costly, these years, these months, these days. We praised the sun, once upon a setting, getting higher off it. Do you remember? Or is it lost to the wind and the sands, the way your hands are now?
Call out words to the fields, and smile for me one last time, across the vast landscape of my imagination. You'll always be here, in my mind, grinning, sinning with a smirk. It's been your way since that day when we first accidentally connected. Maybe I'll be remembering that when the sky lights go black and the dew begins to form newly on the rocks of the ending of my universe. It's a curse, can't you see?
I invested so much into this, and what did I get out of it?
I'm sorry. Whyfore, I cannot say, nor want I to, for speaking in tongues is the curse of a devil that lived with me for far too long. I'm trapped, and so are you, but you're freer than I ever was, and now you're waiting for the final days. I'm here, brushing fingers over grave letters, burnished lovingly by a man whose job is to play with the stones that serve their purposes through the ages. In stages, we've torn this down.
It's been two year, or maybe three. Now gone four… I'm sorry darling. You're gone – I can't do this anymore.
She stands by the iron fence. Her back is pressed against it. Wind blows chill. She has no jacket. Rocks tower over her. Her arms are around herself as the traffic squeals in the background. The sun is descending. Trees glitter. She turns against the fence. It is cold and black. Her face is contorted. She ventures a step from the fence. Nothing moves. She seems to be looking for something. Her eyes are tear-filled.
The graveyard is still.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Word of the Day - Ill

Love sick, darling.
It's that sickness that keeps you tied down in hospital beds, long after all the other patients have mended.
The kind of sick that gets you rolling over yourself in the morning, dry-heaving because nothing else can come out of you.
The kind of sick that feels like purple, trying to take out blue.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Craig's List

Who I Am:

I'm too good to be true.
I'm off the wall crazy, and proud to stand by it.
I'm seeking love with no strings attached, and sex that will have you crawling back to me for more.
I'm a slacker, with no real motivation in life, and although I'm a student, I don't get straight As.
Or even straight Bs.
I'm off the wall fantastic.
My caring side is limited to whatever is for dinner.
If I like you, you'll know it. If I don't, you won't.
I like to lie, but I tell the truth when it suits me.
I'm an engaging conversationalist, but if you aren't you might end up dead.
I'm a writer.
Trustworthiness and loyalty are for pussies.
I used to be in the mafia. Now I own them all.
I'm also engaged to my ex-boyfriend's future transgendered self.
We're supposed to get married in August.

Who I'm Looking For:

I want a man who is 6'2" and under 170 lbs.
I want a man who likes weed, and binges drinks every night of the week.
But he can't end up drunk.
I want a man who has fucked more than 30 people - a minimum of two should be male.
I want a man with self-esteem issues, who thinks he's destined for hell.
I want a man who can't dance for crap.
I want a man with dark eyes, dark hair and perfect teeth.
I want a man who used to smoke, but quit when he found out he was addicted.
I want a writer.

How to Contact Me:
To separate the spam from the desperate from the gullible, put your name, age, address, social security and credit card number in the subject line of your email.
I'll get back to you ASAP.


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Word of the Day - Skeleton

The bones were white, painted white by a shaky fifth grader's hand while a mother looked on. A science project, once upon a time.
But now, something different.
Skeleton -
"Honey, are we keeping this?" Mr. Marret called to his wife.
She stopped by the door and looked in, smiled.
"Yes," she said.
"Skeletons," she said, "in the closet."

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Word of the Day - Ticket

If you want to get away, you set your feet loose, and follow where they take you. To the train station, down the subway tunnel, on the left side of the tracks, pressed against the wall. Out in a rainstorm with the world crashing around you. Underwater, when you can't feel anything because the water is so damn cold. Into the atmosphere, where anything is possible.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Word of the Day - Violet

You don't bleed purple, and your blood isn't bluer than mine, once it hits the air.
But you keep saying you're royalty of a sort.
Spotted inside, or something.
Just makes me want to rip out your insides, to inspect them.
Blue-blooded bastard.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Word of the Day - Violent

You are the horror to garner sympathy for my plight and the secondary action sequence to back up my daredevil plot.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Word of the Day - Megaphone

Amplified voices, carried across the stadium, announcing the problems, the solutions…
Hidden under the stands, Melanie only heard the problems.
Someone had died.
Someone always died.
She pulled her boyfriend closer and started kissing him again.
“That was your twin, wasn’t it?”
He muttered something, and unclipped her bra.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Word of the Day - Trophy

On the top of the trophy case sat a small book with words inside. Or...words that had been inside. Blank, now, because a fiendish seven year old had taken scissors to the words and cut all of them out over the course of the past year. A word, cut out in a box, and discarded, until there was only a small book with words inside that had been taken out. Gutted.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Word of the Day - Sticks

Sticks and stones, love.
They mend bones.
Words - it's words, now that you've got to know do the breaking.
Breaking hearts, that is.
Not bones.
Sticks and stones, and stones and sticks - splints and axes so we can mend the men we kill.
But words...
Oh, love.
There's no cure for words, besides the cause of pain -
more words.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Word of the Day - Plague

The black and blue marks on my legs make me look like a victim. Like I've been sick, like no one could cure me. They make me look like I'm dying, bleeding out from the inside. They make me look ill.
Plague victim, people say.
I look at them and laugh.
Victim? Maybe.
But plague?
It's love, got me looking this way.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Word of the Day - Cigarette

Do you know what a flavored cigarette looks like when it's burning into the palm of your hand? No?
Well, do you know what the face of a girl whose palm is being burned looks like?
I'll tell you.
It looks serene, and calm, as she stares down at the flesh melting off her hand.
It looks at ease, and relaxed, almost like this is the movies, and she watching it happen to someone else.
And then her eyes flutter closed and she collapses, and murmurs something soft, that you barely catch, only you think it sounds like, "That was beautiful."

Monday, July 18, 2011

Word of the Day - Mean

My average is taken from the truth of what I am and divided by the falsehoods of those I meet.
In the end, all the data agrees that I am better than you are.
Than any of you can ever be.

News Report

Doing cool stuff is only cool when one is at least marginally competent.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Word of the Day - Maroon

The same color stained the paper as Marilyn wore for her blouse. And the poster paint didn't really even show up. It was kind of... Reddish. Rusty, except darker, and less brown. She didn't have a word for it. Just dark red, but not red like blood. Red like some stars could be, on days when the atmosphere was a little thicker, a little closer to earth.
Red, Marilyn thought, and smudged two more fingerfuls of the paint on herself; no one even noticed.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Word of the Day - Cast

They signed the plaster moulding of the cast for the bronze horse, the same way you might sign a cast for a broken wrist, but they made a whole to-do about it, and cast one another in roles, announced a casting call, cast about for lofty words and finally cast off shore where the boat promptly sank and the cast of the bronze horse sank.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Word of the Day - Stem

Stem cells grow slowly; they're moving, fighting one another, rolling dice to decide what they want to become. It's funny, to watch, y'know. All the cells gathered around the table, throwing down numbers and muttering curses as they move to another side of the table and start to mutate - make room for new cells to gather. The researchers are just watching the game, hoping they can use some loaded dice somewhere; it rarely works.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Word of the Day - Given

It’s been given to me to make a change in someone else’s life. Someone I didn’t know but who felt like I should have. He was sitting on a bench, today, and contact juggling, with a glass ball and a hat between his paint splattered boots, singing to himself. I walked by, and then stopped, and went back to sit by him, to look at him, to wonder at him.
And then when he had given over the stories he holds, the stories of his life, how he had been raised by a Nazi, gone homeless by choice, followed bands and avoided drugs, helped people when he could and called the gypsies his own people – a wanderer – then I gave over what I could, and heard the words shouted behind me as I left him.
But I’m not sure what they meant.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Word of the Day - Assisted

In assisted living quarters, there are only two exits: one by death and the other by getting someone to sign a warrant to certify that you are indeed insane.
And the second one only leads to tighter security measures anyway, so it's really only death if you want to get out.
Breathe in and breathe out until you die, or, if you're smart and creative, have someone smuggle you out after you pretend to be dead. That's the insane way of doing things.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Word of the Day - Crane

A thousand paper cranes, folded nicely, neatly, and then you get a wish, they told me.
I sat down one day and began to fold. Over, over, under, down. Crisp, sharp lines that made the crane come to life.
And then I breathed into its belly, set it afloat on the air and turned to the paper stacks to make nine-hundred, ninety-nine more.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Word of the Day - Lust

I want the words to come to my fingers when I call them. I want these words to bend over backwards to do my bidding. I want them to come crawling back when they have disobeyed, when they have hindered forward progress. When they have dared to come between myself and my message. I want these words to do what I want, and when they do, the electric storm it creates is so heady, I want to fall into it and drown myself in the lust of the moment.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Word of the Day - Altar

Alternate feet as you step up to the altar. Your alternate personalities are warring as they sing the warnings and you’re boring yourself half to death. (Go twice, and I’ll never see you again -how’s that feel, Mr. Psychiatrist?) And you’re just walking, like you’ve been stalking me again, which is how we met, isn’t it? But I bet the Feds wouldn’t like to know you broke all the way through the ten-foot snow to tell me you don’t like the restraining order anymore.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Word of the Day - Station

I went to the station to see if I could remember the way things were when I first met you. The way you looked as the officer led you inside, your hands pulled behind your back and pinned together in his – The way you were looking at the ground, so innocent, so humble so - And then you looked up and your eyes were like wildfire, like you were ten souls trying to escape the hell that was your corporeal existence and then - And then - I remember where I am while the officers stare at me, and I leave, because I can’t stand that they took you away.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Word of the Day - Belief

I believe that this place is alive. Not alive the way you might think of alive – moving and breathing, but alive inside, the way I am when I’m sleeping, or playing dead. This place is alive on the inside, the hidden eccentricities set loose by the fall of night – the shadows that don’t quite match. The footsteps that echo and the bangs and clashes around above my head, in an upstairs that probably, technically doesn’t exist. We went looking for it, and all we found were stairs that ended far short of a destination we still believe exists.
Take the memories back.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Word of the Day - Predict

I predict that in two days, I’ll still be alone. In two weeks, I’ll still be single. In two months, I’ll stop whining about it. In two years, maybe I’ll have forgotten what it felt like to not be alone. In two decades, maybe I’ll have gotten used to the concept. In two decades and two days, maybe I’ll regret having been used to it. In two more days, maybe I’ll break down. And maybe, in the last two minutes, I’ll ask, because in the two seconds before it’s over, I’m hard enough on myself to want to hear, “No.” Two moments, long enough to be alone.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Word of the Day - Cells

The cells were silent, all the nuns sitting quietly, knitting and sewing, and one who was digging the needles through her skin, but no one heard her, and she was silent, like the rest of the cell block. And the silence continued, on for a long time, until the nuns went to sleep, and the one nun with her bloodied needles snuck out with prayers to god to forgive her for forgetting what it was like to feel pain in a perfect, solitary existence.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Word of the Day - Intensity

Have you seen the lightning bugs? They die, you know, after they’ve been alive long enough to glow. They send out these parting signals to one another, to call back a True Love from somewhere, only they all glow the same, so they’re all calling one another, and the intensity of their search brightens the darkest night. It’s sad, too, though, because you can’t help but think there’s only one in a billion chance of them finding each other. Of finding that perfect soul mate before time runs out. And that…just seems so sad.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Word of the Day - History

The past is going by faster than you can say Jack Robbins, faster than you can think of a retort, faster than the present which was here is gone. The past is something of recall, something of a story that you can’t ever tell the same way twice, because there’s always a little detail you omitted the first time, and then remembered the second,but forgot the third while recalling other pieces. History isn’t absolute or true – it’s the composite agreement of men and their attempts to be accurate, which ultimately fail.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Word of the Day - Antlers

The deer head was sitting on the desk, staring at me when I walked into the class room. It’s one of those strange moments, when you see something, and do a double take, y’know? When you think that something is there, and really it isn’t. Like, how I thought there was a spark of life in glass eyes that were watching me when I came in. It’s supposed to be a haunted classroom, after all, and I thought maybe it was the spirit of a deer pissed off that its head had been chopped off its body. But maybe that’s all stories, and the deer’s head was new; some old ghost like an ancient boa constrictor haunting the place instead.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Mad Men

I don't know how well you understand madness. If you think it's emotion, like anger. If you think it's insanity. If you know what it looks like, feels like, tastes like. I don't know if you know you know someone who is mad, or if you don't.

But I'll tell you a secret.

I know a mad man. He lives in the stars and carries a wand made of ash. He dreams in black and green, wears a top hat and shaves five times a day. He stands on the corner by the stop sign when little children cross the street, singing Twiddle-twiddle, tweedle dum-dee-dee.

And he knows secrets about the World That No One Else Can See. He tells me those secrets some times, and sometimes not. I'm not young enough to learn, he likes to say. Not like Alice. Not as young as the pretty blonde kindergartner who waits for her mother by the stop sign at two-thirty pm every day on the corner of Broad and Main, with the man I know is mad.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Word of the Day - Morals

Morals make me think of the ideas of Right and Left.
Not Wrong.
As in…I left the train station behind, and I took the ticket of the old lady who was sitting next to me, and her wallet. And her husband’s dentures, as well as his ashes.
As in…I left in my wake a trail of bodies, and blood, and a few crying children.
As in I left you behind, and I’m not going back, and I don’t want to hear from you ever again, or I’ll make sure you regret it, the same way I regret having left…in the first place.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Elliott Yamin - Wait For You

I never felt nothing in the world like this before
Now I'm missing you
And I'm wishing that you would come back through my door
Why did you have to go?
You could have let me know
So now I'm all alone,
Girl you could have stayed
but you wouldn't give me a chance
With you not around it's a little bit more then I can stand
And all my tears
they keep running down my face
Why did you turn away?

So why does your pride make you run and hide?
Are you that afraid of me?
But I know it's a lie what you keep inside
This is not how you want it to be

So baby I will wait for you
Cause I don't know what else I can do
Don't tell me I ran out of time
If it takes the rest of my life

Baby I will wait for you
If you think I'm fine it just ain't true
I really need you in my life
No matter what I have to do I'll wait for you

It's been a long time since you called me
(How could you forget about me?)
You got me feeling crazy
How can you walk away?
Everything stays the same
I just can't do it baby
What will it take to make you come back
Girl I told you what it is and it just ain't like that
Why can't you look at me, you're still in love with me
Don't leave me crying.

Baby why can't we just start over again
Get it back to the way it was
If you give me a chance I can love you right
But you're telling me it wont be enough

So baby I will wait for you
Cause I don't know what else I can do
Don't tell me I ran out of time
If it takes the rest of my life

Baby I will wait for you
If you think I'm fine it just ain't true
I really need you in my life
No matter what I have to do I'll wait for you

So why does you pride make you run and hide
Are you that afraid of me?
But I know it's a lie what your keeping inside
Thats not how you want it to be

Baby I will wait for you
Baby I will wait for you
If it's the last thing I do

Baby I will wait for you
Cause I don't know what else I can do
Don't tell me I ran out of time
If it takes the rest of my life

Baby I will wait for you
If you think I'm fine it just ain't true
I really need you in my life
No matter what I have to do I'll wait for you

I'll be waiting.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Work Ethic.

It would have been a mistake to talk to me last night. I fall off the face of the world easily. Too easily, perhaps.

I don't want to be disfavorable. I want to be lost, well enough to never be found by your outsiders, ever again. I want to be hidden. Forgotten.

never discovered, ever again.

dont touch me. forget me. forgive me, if you must, but release me into the ether. I have worlds to build, paces to walk through My sanity lies in defeating expectation and defying the norm.

travel lightly. smile softly.
never forget where we come from.
we are going on a journey, as friends.
(I like the way I'm making F's. It's pretty.)

let's run away from this place. come with me, into the freedoms, lying naked out in the sun. they wont recognize you when you're gone but for now they can't forget...and cant get enough.

let's play on the beach, under the sun, until the tide rolls far enough in to snatch us up.

youre hiding from me.
I'm in class. you're still hiding from me.
I wanted to explore to expand my horizons. just...to go further.

I'm so tired.

help me. free me.


Friday, June 17, 2011


I’ve waited outside
walls of towers
I never wanted to breach,
just to have a chance
to call up
ask the guards,
what’s the view like
from inside

Friday, June 10, 2011


It's strange, to wake up and realize--
I don't know who I am, anymore.
I found the phone in the basement,
brought it to therapy
and they told me I'd know inside
who everyone was.
Because I should have some sense
who I would call Brat
and who this Angel character is,
who grins often enough to be Laughter
and who Falls, Falling, Fallen--

It was worse
--in the basement--
finding traces, but not sure what to make yet:
Racing suits, caps and goggles, towels...
And someone told me I signed my summer away,
came here to make something of myself,
only... I don't know what that was.
They showed me the record board,
told me that was my name,
that I did great things, and could, again.
It's the wondering, though--
if I was good because I loved it
or good because I just...was.
More than fear, not wanting to touch the water again
worried about recognition
maybe the realization that
I'm not the same person I was when this week began.

Imagine this:
walking by a hundred people
wondering how many you hated
how many were your friends.
How many people you just...didn't know.
They told me, in therapy--
I'll still know, as me, somewhere inside.
It's programmed.
And they warned me, in therapy--
my fingers will still know the drill.
I'll be able to open any account
I ever had--that hacking myself is based on muscle memory, now.
That some things are impossible to forget
and others I'll never really remember.
That conflagration is to blame
for every instant that seems poignant--
every pause filled with recall.
Just a brain, making stuff up to fill in the gaps
changing sides every so often to keep things...
interesting. And maybe me, paying attention
instead of wandering off
gone to look for myself.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


You made a mistake, getting attached.

I warned you.

Told you you were wrong.

Why do you think we worked in the first place?

Because we never worked.

Why are you enjoying the silence?

It's the escape from addiction.

At least, for now.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Word of the Day - Mint

The taste of mint on your lips reminds me of better days, when we walked together, hands entwined, up the hill that spelled out our destiny. Of days when your eyes would meet mine, and I could be lost in them, the same endless blue of the pool, the same endless blue of the skies. The blue depth of your eyes–
But the taste of mint recalls more. Mornings, spent in your arms, love.
Midnights spent alone, with bare memories for comfort.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Conversations with the floor
are better than discussion with you
For one thing, the floor only hits once
and never when I'm already down
For another, the floor breaks my fall
once it breaks my bones
Instead of making my fall and breaking me
The floor doesn't lie when it's mad
speak in a soft voice
beckon invitingly -
then strike
It holds me after punsihment
reassuring me that it won't hurt me
as long as I stay near
and unlike you
the floor means it
true the whole world over
from concrete in your basement
to the carpet in mine
across different species -
dust and pavement
and sand
But if you promise I'm safe tonight
I can't walk from man to man
and expect equal treatment among them
and I can't expect you'll take me back again
without breaking my legs this time
for walking away
And them my arm
for daring to haul myself up the stairs
My nose
because you never liked the way it looked
And then my skull
for harboring traitorous thoughts
I might be better off

Saturday, June 4, 2011

His name was Laughter

He asked when I was moving, finally
when I'd go back to Ohio.
Four days. At most. Sooner, if I can get away.
Text conversations are built into silence, in silence, silently -
That eager?
Eager. Impatient. Bored.
...I see.
But tell me - why?
He said - that's easy.
I want to hurt you. Fuck you. Break you,
until there's nothing left. Until none of your friends would recognize this shell
After shaky silence
and consideration
of all that's gone before
I said okay
as long as I can still write
And he told me, babe -
I want you to give our story to the world.

Friday, June 3, 2011


The best stories you tell
..... are the lies
.......... when you think no one
............... knows the truth

You've got that trick down -
..... separating emotion from words
.......... and reconnecting them in fucked up ways
............... like a verbal Frankenstein

It's In the Details

every detail I could want to know
is contained in the broader word:

but the three-legged Irish setter
missing her left ear isn't the same
miniature greyhound with a broken tail
and bleach white paws
that you had in mind

and my grandma's rickety wheelchair,
old enough to have been jacked from a sanatorium
back in the days when they still existed
isn't the mahogany rocker
you were thinking of

and while I don't know that much about fish,
the piranha that feasts on flesh
and the salmon on my dinner plate
aren't quite the same

and neither is my house - an abandoned wreckage
drooping from the weight of too many memories
and a lack of laughter
like yours,
starving from a lack of children
and over usage of bad puns.

So do us all a favor.
Details, please.
Or I'll just assume your murderer
is holding a letter opener,
not an ax
and be confused as to how an overhand chop
with such a dainty item
could dispatch
two ill trained, fashion-senseless
Russian miscreants wearing matching pea-coats in dark grey
and no pants.
I mean.
What else comes to mind when you

Thursday, June 2, 2011

I Remember...II

I remember picking out the suitcase and the dress--matching but not at the same time.

I remember walking through NYC and getting catcalls.

I remember my heels clicking against the tiled floors in Manhattan.

I remember putting on lipstick this morning and wondering if it would be smudged by the end of the day.

I remember sitting on a bench next to a pair of black guys, who kept looking at me like they had questions they were afraid to share.

I remember one of them reaching into his pocket.

I remember getting tense, not-looking, trying to hide knowing that he was going for a switchblade.

I remember that morning when my younger sister Mona drew an S on my hand in fancy figure, done in pen, and told me it was good luck.

I remember trying to wash it off and failing.

I remember debating gloves, to cover it up, but deciding not to.

I remember the man who asked me to dance.

I remember he was lanky and awkward, dark eyes and muddy hair with a mouth too thin, eyes too spaced and an ugly personality to match.

I remember I said yes.

I remember dancing, led by strong arms, while the man complimented how fuckable I looked, how like a whore, a slut, in my pink dress.

I remember picking out that pink and white, frills and lace dress with Misha and Shizuku.

I remember trying it on, standing in the fitting room laughing that it barely passed my fingertips.

I remember whirls of pink and powder blue as we bought matching dresses, all of us.

I remember the room with the drawers, and I remember pulling my suitcase after me, led by the ugly man from the dance floor.

I remember seeing the rag.

I remember being amused, thinking ruefully that this was what I should have feared.

I remember being placed in the suitcase, and I remember, before he zipped it closed, that it was a tight fit.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I Remember...I

I remember incense, floating into the air and men crying while the black marble baptismal font just stood there, hazy in the smoke.

I remember not understanding at the time.

I remember clawing my way up the stairs, intent on getting out of the basement.

I remember curling up with the dog--a black Labrador Retriever named Raven.

I remember living in a tent on a boat for four days, making the crossing to Juneau.

I remember a kite cake and celebrating my birthday with my sister's.

I remember birthdays, but they were always in June, except for this year.

I remember my family celebrating my birthday before I left home, almost a month in advance.

I remember dumpster diving behind the Crate Center.

I remember the old leather trench coat I found and how it smelled like train oil and old memories.

I remember rain.

I remember how painful a bad race is.

I remember how to forget how painful a bad race is, so that when the whistle goes off for finals, I can work up the courage to step on the blocks and look fearless.

I remember being told I am fearless.

I remember crying my eyes out in the rain, after running away.

I remember the only fight we had.

I remember the words on his lips and his poetry.

I remembering breaking form and living instead of waiting.

I remember changing.

I remember becoming hard and cold and learning how to forgive all injustices, as long as the atrocities were restricted to me, not others.

I remember my first short story.

I remember my last novel, and the work I intended to be true, turning into falsehood and failure.

I remember ashes in a fireplace, but the campfire stands out more, with a young arsonist, high on love and mental lust, dancing around the flames with his then-girlfriend, and best friend and a girl named Jill.

I remember watching him in his then-girlfriend's room.

I remember learning to forget.

I remember that 2+2 is four and that 2x2 is four and that 22 is four and that two is the only even prime number.

I remember that if f(x)=your face and g(x)=your mom, that g(f(x))=my face/your mom, and that on the axis of life, that sort of math is legitimate but censored.

I don't remember why that's important. Just that it is. Or...was.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The way I planned it...

...you didn't leave, and I didn't know I'd been left behind until after the things that needed to came back together again.

The way I planned it, your daughter was just a figure of speech, a figment of imagination or maybe hope gone terribly wrong.

Because the way I planned it, the way I imagined it, you were broken down and sobbing while I looked on, wondering what had caused it, wondering how things can go wrong.

Because the way I planned it, she didn't live long enough to hold on to your attention.

The way I planned it didn't involve wanting anyone dead, just out of the way so I could have you back around again.

The way I planned it didn't require extra sympathy--just the absence of apathy so I could start feeling again the way I've been trying not to for so long.

Because the way I planned it, we were going to go for a walk down the path that connects minds together, the way we did in nicer weather than it is now, with all the rain.

Because the way I planned it, you were going to tell me I had a shot again, to make things go right this time, and I didn't have to accept the past fuck-ups, where I didn't put everything of myself into what I wanted to do.

The way I planned it, you and I went as far as we did in August, except closer, now, and--

The way I planned it, you touched me in ways you never had before, with your hands leading the way to exploration.

Because the way I planned it, your hands on my arms wasn't the only thing I had in mind, despite the fact that that was all I ever asked for when I knelt before you.

Because the way I planned it, I could have what I needed without getting greedy, and seconds of touch before a world that didn't understand what that touch meant was about as satisfying as walking out of a bank a few hundred dollars richer.

The way I planned it could have happened, except for the mistakes you made when I wasn't looking over your shoulder like I should have been.

The way I planned it might have happened, except I didn't know you soon enough, and now I'm just following in footsteps, tracking progress and wondering how long before you realize I want to be more than just a constant in your life.

Because the way I planned it, time doesn't end.

Because the way I planned it...well, maybe I'd begin to mend.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Word of the Day - Waver

I waver between the idea that things could be better, and between accepting that they aren't going to be. It's less than two weeks, now, though I couldn't tell you exactly how long; I've gotten farther away on my oscillating trip, shaken from the side of obsessive to merely dreading. Just waiting, hoping the here and now can hold me faster than the then and there will ever do.
I need to escape these memories--this flirting with future that you're in.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Happy holidays, to any and all who celebrate.

I'm not afraid of being jealous of your abilities to fight back.

I'm not afraid of being jealous of your abilities to forget.

I say I have a shitty memory, and then the details refuse to leave me alone. I'm caught.

There are a few upsides to life.

But more downsides.

Do you realize how many people are leaving?

It's going to hurt. It does hurt. I wish she had told me before she told us all. I'm getting better at acting, but in the moments of shock, it still shows through. The bitterness still finds life.

I made the mistake yesterday of knowing things. I don't like knowing things. Sometimes. Having it thrown in my face is - at the least - uncomfortable.

But I'm running away, this summer. To better and brighter things.

He asked me if I would live with him, this summer. Train with his memories.

I can't wait. I have no idea what I'll do.

I want--

I want...

Class starts in twenty-two minutes. I don't want to go. I want to stay here, amongst the books and spin fantastical tales. I want to be amazing.

What's the biggest problem with being alive?

...knowing it won't last.

The same problem for all good things, I suppose. I guess I'm free now, escaped.

I just hope it stays that way. I've walked out of reminders of the past. I'm going to sever connections with a world I don't belong in.

Just a creature of water.

Where are you?
Where are we?

Right here.
Right now.

Monday, May 9, 2011

I love you more, And that's why I will never abandon you again, no matter how bad you fuck up.

Sometimes words are more truth than you need.

It hurt when she took it off her favorite quotes page.

I still don't know why.

Ghost Image...6

You’ve been out of it too long.

Booker opened his eyes. He was lying flat on his back on the library floor, staring at the figurine made of smoke. The figurine had morphed from a snake creature into something more resembling a centaur, but still too animalistic—no human characteristics present in the way it presented itself. Just... Just itself, as itself.

Booker narrowed his eyes. “What are you doing here?” he demanded of the figurine.

Nothing, it said. There was a pause, a moment where its head—vaguely horse like, but also just not—cocked to the side and it regarded him. Booker looked away after a moment, unable to meet those not human eyes for too long. It made him feel dizzy, almost nauseous. It was sickening and exhilarating all at once.

“Why am I here?”

Do you want to be back there? The figurine asked. It was a valid question. Booker considered the woman with the bleeding breasts and the child’s voice, the man who had been in white, and the man who looked like a version of himself.

He shivered.

“No,” Booker said finally. “I guess not.”

So there you go, the figurine said. You didn’t want to be there anyway.

Booker might have argued, but it was then that Derick Holt opened his eyes, and Booker was a little too distracted by the fact that Holt was moving again to ponder the figurine’s words.


It wasn’t that he hadn’t expected Holt to move again, ever. Or not to breathe again, ever. It was just that in usual circumstances, it took much, much longer to recover from accidental possession. It wasn’t like preplanned possession, where you had all the materials on had to cleanse yourself. Being dead—well, being dead took a lot of time, and effort.

It was just something you had to learn how to maintain.

“I’m so glad you’re alive,” Booker said. It sounded weird to stay, though, like he hadn’t expected it, when he knew he had.

“I am alive,” Holt said. His words were slurred, a little stilted and stiff. But they were still words, coming from his mouth in a coherent stream of thought. That was more than Booker could say for himself.

He wiped tears—when had he started crying?—out of his eyes and beamed at Derick Holt, his hands pulled up to his chest.

Derick Holt looked down and saw the blood all over his white shirt. Booker winced slightly. It was one thing to kill someone and have a chance t o switch their clothing before they woke up from a possession. It was another thing entirely for them to wake up mid-possession exorcising, and to see themselves drenched with more blood than they currently had in their bodies.

Booker hoped Holt wasn’t too scared by it, mentally. It would be a terrible waste of a librarian if such a sight made Holt queasy, and unable to work with books ever again. Murder wasn’t normally part of the job, after all!

Maybe he’d stick with it in some other capacity, if he did leave Founder’s.

Holt shook his head. “I’m not leaving Founders,” he said.

Booker flushed a little, feeling the warmth rise to his cheeks in response. It was obvious, he told himself. Obvious that Holt wouldn’t leave founders. It was just that he was nervous about losing—

“I’m not going anywhere,” Holt said. “You don’t have to worry.”

Booker grinned, and then stood up, trying to step over the smoke, to get out of it. The smoke was thick and heavy, pulled tightly around the area he was in. He put his hands up to feel the air, and it was solid. That wasn’t possible under the rules of math, of physics. There was magic in the founder’s library but it still obeyed things simple as physics, or as complex as basic algebra.

Or maybe it was the other way around—but still!—there needed to be someone paying attention to the above, Things were really starting to get out of control, on the upstairs level, after all.

“Why’d you kill me?” Holt asked Booker. His voice was mellow, soft. He tilted his head to the side. “I didn’t want to die. And you didn’t tell me. You didn’t—“ he paused, as though looking for the right word. “You didn’t ask,” Holt finally said.

“It was an Booker said. The smoke figurine cleared its throat. “Is,” Booker corrected himself. “It is an exorcism. I’m getting rid of this pesky thing for you so that you can go back to being alive again.

There was a long silent moment and then Holt shook his head and sighed. “No,” he said. “No, no.”

Booker wasn’t sure what he was saying no to, but it didn’t really matter, he supposed. It was just...no.

Holt stood up. “I’m not happy with you,” he said. His voice was still stilted, but his words were less slurred. “I’m not happy with you at all.”

“I—I’m sorry?” Booker said, but he was really asking it more than saying it, the lift at the end of the words the dead giveaway. “I didn’t mean—“ But that was ridiculous, because in order for him to be able to free Holt, there had to have been death, and Holt was the one who was being freed, so Holt had to die. It was just the way things worked. So why was he apologizing.

“I’m going to leave, I think,” Booker said. “I’m going to go downstairs and go to sleep. It’s been a long day.”

The smoke figurine snickered, hideously. Booker waves his hand at it. “You’re exorcized,” he said, yawning. “You can go away, now. I’ve done my work with you.” The smoke figurine fluttered about, flitted and then disappeared.

Holt was gone too, when Booker looked for him, but it was all for the best he supposed, and went towards the downstairs in order to find a place to sleep.

The downstairs was empty and open, filled with benches that were brown and chairs that were white, and the tables all had candles—fake ones—on them, sparkling all night long. Until there was one that died, and Booker thought of the first time he had ever take n a girl out on a date, and how the candle between them had flickered and flickered and then finally just died, without any sort of warning.

He wondered if it had been because of leaving the windows open, but he didn’t say anything, and eventually people brought him a new button anyway.

It was just how life worked—if attractive men wanted to see you in a swimsuit, they’d buy the sped. It was...

Booker shook his head, not entirely sure about that particular train of thought.

He must have had less sleep than he’d presumed, Booker considered. It was one thing—and entirely different—to just sit around and wait for something to happen.

It was another thing, altogether and weird, to make things happen to someone else.

Less than gratifying.

“You killed me,” Holt said. He was standing right beside Booker, as Booker had lain down on the futon that they kept in the basement of Founder’s. “You killed me,” Holt said again. “You killed me.” And again. “Killed me.”

Booker shook his head. “No,” he said. “I didn’t. You’re alive.”

“But you killed me,” Holt said, and he reached out his hands to put them around Booker’s neck, and then there was some squeezing involved while Booker struggled with it, trying to pull the wiry, thin fingers off his neck before it snapped into pieces. It was painful, so painful, but there was a moment when he managed to get a finger underneath Holt’s hands, and pry the grip off his throat.

“That’s going to bruise,” he said.

“There’s only two types of things in this world—“ Holt said. “The ones you can do and the ones you can’t.”

“You can’t do anything,” Booker muttered.

“Maybe I should just kill you then,” Holt said. He reached out again and this time put all his weight behind his strangling hands. It was impossible to breathe, and Booker clawed at the hands as long as he could, until he started to hear the sirens screaming in the background, and his eyes hurt from trying to do something about it, trying to see, to hear. It was impossible.

“You’re drowning,” someone informed him. “Just try not to breathe in, too much. It’ll still hurt the same, no matter what, just try not to breathe in, too much.”

“You’re drowning. Just try—“

“I’m drowning,” Booker growled. “I’m not breathing, for fuck’s sake.”

“—no matter what, just try not to breathe in—“

“Too much,” Booker finished.

The warning kept going.

He tried to sit up but it was close and cramped, and he couldn’t move. The he pushed upwards with all his strength and suddenly there was blinding light, so bright that it hurt his eyes to see it. Hurt his nose, even, because his nose started to run and Booker choked on the excess light. He closed his eyes to slits and tried to see beyond what there was to see. Tried to see what was hiding out there.

The pod he was sitting in had constricted around his legs and kept him from being able to move the way he wanted to. He couldn’t get his legs out. He pulled and pushed and they just stayed there.

“It’s not wise to keep moving,” a woman’s voice said. Booker looked over to see a woman in a wheelchair looking up at him.

“Oh?” he asked.

“It’s not wise to keep moving,” she said again. “It’s not going to help you. They won’t’ let you go and you might accidentally injure yourself.”

“I’ll be fine,” Booker growled.

The woman in the wheelchair laughed. “They all say that,” she said, but to herself. “Now, you’ve just drowned five hundred times. If you’ll hang on, I can get someone to let you out so you can remember what breathing air is like.”

Booker stared after her as she wheeled away.