
Are there no ends to the tricks you can make words perform?

Thursday, November 24, 2011

I AM the effervescence
split psycho down two walls to a center we're not sure exists yet
mid-mind, mid-merizing, mid-memory and fascination feature
look in sidewalks
sidewinders steps
in the glass window panes down on 4th and Broadway and you'll see me
sitting just out of reach
ahead while behind
Alice in Wonderful Paradox

When I walk in a room I'm asleep on the floor
sprawled - until I hear my name

When I walk into a room
I see myself, passed out and I call my name, softly
the way you do when you don't actually want the person to wake up
softly as a bee, buzzing in a meadow a few streets over
or soft like cannon shots, frozen in time as Black and White stills
Sometimes we recall our pasts more strongly than we love our presents.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Nanowrimo 2011

I have no idea what to call this piece, this time, but it's a Greek legend fast-forwarded in time. Looks something like this, synopsis-wise:

The Cast
Ekaris/Icarus - the mental patient
Detlas/Daedalus - his father
Mynus/Minos - the bajillionaire
Pasify/Pasiphae - his wife, who has a problem with animals
Toran/Minotaur - their child


From Mynus to Detlas,
I have heard of you. I have heard a great deal about you, as a matter of fact, and because I have heard what I have heard about you, I wish to have you visit my Isle of Kreet and help me on a certain matter I have had issue with. The matter is of course, highly sensitive, or I would share it with you here. As it is, rest assured I have ascertained that you, Detlas, are the only one who will be able to help me with this particular problem. I have heard enough to know this is true.

Word count: 1978