
Are there no ends to the tricks you can make words perform?

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Parrot the Poet II

Friend and I commenting on another friend's Facebook status. My replies:

it's only anger
that falls from fingertips
too sore to sit back and relax
maybe break
into stanzas
when the wake is closing up
and the funeral procession
comes to a close -
all these doors that shut
in your face
make you feel out of place,
like you've been reduced to,
confused to
a state where up
is sideways
and black never knew white;
just a few degrees south of chaos,
but go long enough
and you'll never hit home again
my friend.
it's a blanket memory,
a statement of fact,
and you're alone again,
so that's that

there are no butterflies in the land of frozen time
because they've vanished
into the depths of the darkness
and you can't miss what you don't know -
you test the waters with your soul
and when the depths begin to rise
you find yourself lost in the eyes
of a human being
whose existence makes you find
the failings inside
and from yourself you're wont to hide,
except in vain
you slake your lust
in shining skies and pixies' dust
and sleep
because in sleep
are dreams and dreams
content to break your heart
and life's cement
until you drown
and wake
unto the world of faded blacks and blues
a softer

like a play date of the older years
when tears
only fell
because the pretty girl down the street left you
after a pretentious marriage
in the backyard
then things got hard
after all the mud cake dried up
and her warm wedding feet got cold
so she sold out
and wandered off
down that same street;
parents always said she marched to the beat
of a drum
only she could hear
but of course you knew
by the end of your years together
it was only fair weather
a friendship built on loss
and gain
and never
see her again
because she was gone,
just gone

it's like i'm alone again,
like i'm home again,
and breaking again
from the inside
this face
is only a shout away from murder
and that's a lesser pain
than gaining ground
upwards again,
like the angels stretch to heaven
when they walk on earth
and the only god to worship
is the god who stops new birth;
the dead are walking in the skies
and down below you hear the cries
of failing,
just like sailing
across a lake of solid melt
like sandy edges of the delta
it'll be a while
until this case is solved
so put up your feet
and grab a read to wait.
the answers i bring should satiate
your loss

in a perfect world
the sun might be tame
and the weather too,
just blue skies
and sunny drives
along a shore of beaches
next to the endless summer side
but this world isn't perfect
and there's not much you can do
unless you want to give yourself up
and make the world face you;
remake the world in your own image
like a new god of humanity
until the sun cries deadly
and in starlight do you breathe.
there's only one way upwards
but far too many down
and when the lights are dying
i'm still the light you found
so locked away
and far away
and dead today
but tomorrow live
when friends have failed
and life is ailed
then come save yourself beside

i land on dry land
and sky land in my home
town of insanity around
and artifice is only part
of this
and maybe you're actually a figment
of my fragmented
a station waiting for a train to come in,
but we know where it's headed
this time
and we'll follow behind like the wind
and the sin
and the painful prick of pins
against bared skin.
it's a place when we can trace a life around
maybe up and down
and kiss the lists into place
with a trace of lipstick
on your face
from where the ending touched you
just when the beginning struck you
and you might have died
if i ever lied
and kept the truth from you
but still it's only ending
and still the sky is blue

empty times tables
on the clock
and empty lives
but take a walk
and up the street
go down the side
when lives are hard
just kill the bride
and bridesmaids dance
when dust is red
so sang the mockingbirds
and when the finches
came to say
the attic ledge
was going grey
and sent from heaven
might by chance
but only if
the words might dance,
and empty rooms
with empty beds
send visions of deadlock
through children's heads
and kisses kill
but guns make life
and sudden triumph
with floods are rife.
begin again
when endings fade
and make this life
what should have made
sense in ends
and sense for all
but never left
behind to recall

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Fairytale Arrests.


CHICAGO - Child-star Alice was seen yesterday coming out of a well-known drug-dealer's house carrying a bag full of a white, powdery substance. The drug-dealer in question has bragged before that he only deals with a specific drug known on the streets as "Wonderland." The description of this particular drug fits the description police have received regarding the substance Alice supposedly obtained from the dealer yesterday morning. Later that same afternoon, a witness who has requested to remain unnamed, caught sight of Alice and a group of other girls taking the powder in large doses while running around and screaming wildly. It looks like out sweet little child star isn't as adorable a child as we all thought.


LONDON - Dangerous murderer and thief Daniel Robinson - more commonly known as "Robin Hood" - was captured Thursday during an attempted robbery of the Sheriff of London's private quarters. When questioned about the outlaw, the Sheriff expressed his opinion that Robinson's days of threatening the rich are now over. "Furthermore," the Sheriff added, "because [Robinson] has so many black marks on his record, our little popinjay will soon find himself singing a different tune as he faces a hanging from the gallows." After a burst of laughter, the Sheriff went on to explain that, due to the large number of offenses Robinson has incurred, and despite not having been caught at any of them, he will be hanged as a third offense criminal as well as facing the punishments for first and second time offenders. "Basically," the Sheriff said, "Robin Hood's going to get his right hand chopped off [as a first offense punishment] and then we poke both his eyes out as he screams [as the second offense punishment]." The actual hanging will be a public affair in the center of downtown London. The Sheriff has also extended an invitation to those who are coming to bring along picnic baskets and rotten vegetables.
In an exclusive interview with the accused, Robinson passed along this message:
"o-Tay ittle-Lay ohn-Jay and-ay ill-Way,
ou-Yay wo-tay ad-hay etter-bay e-bay ere-thay o-tay escue-ray e-may. It's-ay our-yay ault-fay at-thay I'm-ay ere-hay in-ay uh-thay irst-fay ace-play."

News flash.

One last silence in the elegant curtain of velvet night. Why is it always nights? Midnight, no less. Midmorning might have been a better beat for your heart. You were there. I saw your spirit there, grinning like all hell was loose. Sneaking out of heaven, are we? Dodging the angelic prison guards. We talked this over once before, when you said religion was the sin. I'm still going to school but no loner do I pray. A cross still hangs on my wall but He's gone from it. Criminal, the convict who dared declare himself. You're grinning, aren't you?


Yes, I did.

Because you told me to.

No... It's in the attic. And him?

I killed him.

What do you mean, Heaven is real?


It was midnight
and the trains were coming
hissing smoke and lights
that wouldn't
She was screaming on the tracks
He was laughing; always did
Trains were coming
it was midnight
She was crying.
I was there.
I was crying too,
but I couldn't hear her
could you?


Now sing now sing
Thursday or was it Tuesday
last week month...summer
time's lost its meaning
broken chords of melody
burned deeper
gently, gently
patience, patience have you
failure to respond
to react
to realize
in triplicate
I swear it was here before
looking -
We're not looking anymore, Autumn
Save the sighs, Saturn
New balances, new sights
single silver slippers swing softly
Now sing. Sing. SING.

Kiss like a poet.

You kiss like a poet
with both eyes closed
Are you imagining someplace
besides the back of school
or are you really this fearful
of looking your equal in the eyes


It melted by accident

i didn't mean to leave the microwave on
for 30 minutes
sorry ma
i kinda like the smell
of burnt

PoJazz II

Stop smiling

you'll break hearts you know that?
Spent the last few years planting the
fields that you'll sew with salt when
all this is through
So why won't you?

Just stop smiling
because that grin takes us in.

PoJazz I

Faithfully I attend the sun
watch her every morning as she rises
Apollo's presence so hard to bear up in the sky
While I'm down here

Aurora attends her every morning
Rising from sleep with Poseidon
Am I jealous?

Not since Artemis killed Orion by mistake
I've learned better through others' errors
In perservearnce,
in peace,
in practice

Monday, August 16, 2010

Dear Traitor

Dear Traitor,

It's hard, sitting down to begin a letter. Usually I'm writing stories or essays for class, not learning to pour a bit of myself into words intended for another's eyes. There is no formula for this kind of letter. I don't have anything I particularly need to say. I have words, but they're all backlogged, and I can't straighten them out enough to make sense. I think it's expected that somewhere I'll say I'm sorry, and I am, but the apology isn't for anything I've done. It's for the humid weather and the splintering friendships. It's for people who don't know any better, and for those who do, but couldn't act on that. I'm sorry...for something. For what? That's a blank I can't fill in.

I could go on for pages, writing about nothing, just to put the feel of me in the page. I could put down the memories, but that's nostalgia, and I know that now. Too often I live in the past, I guess. There's this quote I like... "Live for the future, in the present, with your past." And other: "Live in the present, forgive your past." Both, applicable. There's been a tremendous amount of heartache this year. Not even this semester. This whole year...mini catastrophe's bringing some people close, keeping some people apart. In the wake of destruction... Silver linings... Rainbows. Friends, too.

If I was angry, you would have known. But maybe that's too soon.

Maybe what you need to hear isn't in my power to say. I always hated being out of the loop. It's so much harder to keep up with what's going on, and to make informed decisions. But maybe that's not what I need to be saying. It's like I'm supposed to tell a story but I don't know the main characters, the setting or the plot. It's like being lost in the tunnel, except without knowing it's a tunnel, just having a long, dark emptiness enclosed on two sides. Forward or back?

Your choice.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Dark side.

The dark side of my soul is sleeping. When he sleeps, I am free to be myself, and when I look in the mirror, I realize how much I wish I wasn't free. Ever again.
Keep me bound, darker self, won't you?
I miss the chains already.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Timeless excerpts, 8/8/10

There are days I want to touch and hold onto forever. This isn't one of those days. This is just one of those moments when my eyes droop and shut and I dream inside this fever that is life. I want, and I realize that I am, and it confuses me until all I want to do is find a way out of this existence. I am. I need to be else, until I am nothing that can be remembered in the end.

I liked that feeling, and when I finally hung up the phone, it was so that I could fall back into sleep, but I tumbled the way someone does when they're dying – in slow motion, until the seconds felt like hours, but once I was asleep, time was nothing. I felt awake when I woke up, three minutes before my alarm clock went off.

There are words for people who can stand up and take the ridicule, and those who break down on the first compliment. There are places and there are feelings and there are pressures that end up making us who we can be, just by breaking down who we were and making us forget that.

--total word count: 35 678--

Friday, August 6, 2010

Timeless exerpts, 8/6/10

Poets, writers - they don't have the same mentality as someone who plays sports. I should know. I do both. There is a poet in me, a writer in me. There is an athlete in me, but I am also Gemini, and I have no need of being a single entity. I can be many and one at the same time. In the same way I can do math and love science but wish to be an author to make my living by - I am humanities and sciences. I am a combination of everything that may be confusing in this world.

But there is something inherently strange about touching the dead.
I don't really like it.
Even dead insects.
It's strange.
much stranger when I realize that the mouse breathed with lungs the way
I do, instead of through its knees the way a grasshopper does.

I love to lie.
And I love to taste the way the world tastes.
Or tasted.
And I want to move on. Somewhere farther away than this hell hole.
I hate it here.
They drown puppies.

Excerpts from Timeless, 8/5/10

My room was no sanctuary, and I cried myself to sleep again, half dressed because I couldn't bring myself to have skin touch where skin had lain. And the water bottle he'd drunk out of was still there beside my bed, a quarter of its contents remaining. I slept then and dreams came, but I didn't dream ...of him, and when I awoke I felt guilt ridden and jealous. But I did not cry. All my tears were gone.

But my fingers tell truth more easily than the rest of my body does. My tongue likes the taste of lies too much to ever give up on them.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Excerpts from Timeless, 8/4/10

I had a phone in my hand and was texting god, asking why it was so damn hard to sit here and watch people leave. God doesn't have a response time, or a prearranged message to send to people. And god doesn't have texting either, but I couldn't bring myself to call, because any phone call I made to heaven was going to be collect, and I've already charged enough on my account up there.

I wanted to know what it felt like to know death so well I wouldn't have to touch it with my own hands to understand what was going on.

After breathing air for almost two full decades, I wasn't sure what to do with nitrogen. Alice in Wonderland came to mind - Eat Me. But I didn't feel like resorting to cannibalism to cure a problem that wasn't going to be a problem, because I decided it wasn't going to be a problem. So instead of figuring out that taking Lewis Carol's cake seriously was a good idea, I went with Ignore Me.

--Closing the day at 10,065 words--